Karate-The Perfect Weapon The best martial artist of all time Bruce Lee once said “While I point a finger to the moon, do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory”. To many people, Karate is learnt to inflict damage to an opponent. But those who think that way are concentrating on the finger and missing the heavenly glory of the moon. Karate is primarily learnt for self-defence and the punching, blocking, kicking and striking techniques taught in it can injure a person to such an extent that there are chances of him getting killed. However, history suggests that during the early sixteenth century its spiritual principles came into being adding a dynamic and profound dimension to the art. The Zen element began appearing in Karate and it was thus named Karate-do. Karate means ‘Empty Hands’ and do means ‘The Way’. Hence Karate and other forms of martial arts were given the ending – do which means the way to enlightenment, self realization and understanding one...
Showing posts from March, 2011